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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Suhaimi Mior Hassan, Ana Raffali, Altimet - Kalau Berpacaran

Kalau berpacaran
Memang banyak pantang larang
Menjaga susila
Ibu bapa adik abang

Apabila berdua
Carilah tempat yang terang
Agar tidak pula
Mencuba aksi terlarang

Boleh pandang-pandang
Jangan pegang-pegang
Duduk renggang-renggang
Bertambah sayang

Biar malu-malu
Biar segan-segan
Kerna malu itu
Perisai orang beriman

Kalau berpacaran
Jangan tunggu lama-lama
Kalau dah berkenan
Jumpalah ayah dan mama

Hantarkan rombongan
Meminang dengan segera
Kalau terlambat kasihmu disambar buaya

Ulang korus

Kita sambung cerita
Kalau kamu berdua
Aku yang ketiga

Aku penambah perasa
Akulah pendarab nafsu serakah
Hai teruna bikin perangai selamba
Hati si dara kata tak apa

Berani buat terima padah
Kalau tak sedia
Ucap syahadah

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting - All For Love

All For Love

When it's love you give
(I'll be a man of good faith.)
Then in love you live.
(I'll make a stand. I won't break.)
I'll be the rock you can build on,
Be there when you're old,
To have and to hold.

When there's love inside
(I swear I'll always be strong.)
Then there's a reason why.
(I'll prove to you we belong.)
I'll be the wal that protects you
From the wind and the rain,
From the hurt and pain.

Let's make it all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
The one you need,
'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love.

When it's love you make
(I'll be the fire in your night.)
Then it's love you take.
(I will defend, I will fight.)
I'll be there when you need me.
When honor's at stake,
This vow I will make:

That it's all for one and all for love.
Let the one be the one you want,
The one you need,
'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love.

Don't lay our love to rest
'Cause we could stand up to you test.
We got everything and more than we had planned,
More than the rivers that run the land.
We've got it all in our hands.

Now it's all for one and all for love.
(It's all for love.)
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
The one you need,
'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
(It's one for all.)
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show.
When there's someone that you want,
When there's someone that you need
Let's make it all, all for one and all for love.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Come sayang, let me carry the bag 4 u. Kesian u...
Beg u pun u malas nak bawa. Lain kali jangan bawa beg ah!


'Sayang, intan payung, you ok tak darling? Bodoh punye batu!'
Jln betul2 la! Buta ke? Mata letak kat mana? Pantat? Batu tu macam besar pun tak nampak!


Lawanye u pakai baju ni. Seksi! Turn on I, macam nak gigit-gigit you sekarang jugak!
'Ni ape ni, tetek terjojol, nampak longkang! Dengan babat berlipat-lipat! Tak malu eh?'


Manjanye syg i ni. Cium sikit sayang! Firmnye pantat you!
Oi! Org tgk ah! Tunggu balik rumah bole tak? Tak malu eh orang tengok?!


U nak makan burger ramly? Ok, besok i masuk JB belikan eh syg..
Burger McDonald pun sama pe! Jgn cerewet ah! Makan je!

Cantik nye you hari ni. Eye shadow you lawa la! Berseri-seri muka you!
Ape ni make up mcm tepung gomak? Wayang pekji pun kalah tau! Bulan2 asyik beli make up je!

U takde bnyk duit pun, i tetap syg u. Kekayaan tk menjanjikan kebahagiaan.
Tu la, dulu tak nak blajar betul2. Skrg baru nak menyesal! Duit tong sampah bulan ni camne?

8. SEX

Kalau kita kawin, hari2 i nak main dgn u.
Eh, i penat tau! Ingat i robot ke? Gatal!


Sudahlah syg, jgn merajuk. Sorry eh Sayang. Memang salah I. I ni matahir tak guna! Jangan
merajuk lagi ye Sayang. I minta maaf. Maafkan i eh?
Salah you, you nak suruh I cakap Sorry! Banyak cantik muka you! Dah buat salah tak nak
mengaku. Tau nak merajuk je. Awak punye pasal ah! Tak kuasa aku!


Sedapnye u masak (walaupun tak sedap)
Mak u tak ajar masak ke? Ni Nasi lemak ke nasi basi?


Syg, kita mkn dekat restoran mahal tu eh? Mahal takpe lah, skali skala...
Mak oi! Pe mahal! Da la! Mee grg mamak pak kassim lagi sedap. Tak mau ah!


Bye syg, I luv u too. Muaks! Miss u lah syg. (Padahal smlm baru jumpe)
Ah, ok bye! Tak bole lah. Kawan i ade ni! Bye la bye la!


Takpe Sayang, I tak kisah. I sanggup buat apa saja untuk you. I fetch you later eh?
You ni, takde kepala otak ke yang I ni penat baru balik kerja. Apa salahnya you balik
sendiri. Manja sangat ah!


Takpe Sayang.. Asalkan you selamat sampai
Takpe la. Da biasa da!


You kentot eh sayang? Hehehehehe! Cute la you ni! *cubit-cubit*
Oi, asal bole kentot je eh! *pukul-pukul badan*

Best layan lagu ni

When You say nothing at all... layanzz

It's amazing
How you can speak
Right to my heart
Without saying a word,
You can light up the dark
Try as I may
I could never explain
What I hear when
You don't say a thing

The smile on your face
Lets me know
That you need me
There's a truth
In your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says
You'll catch me
Whenever I fall
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all

All day long
I can hear people
Talking out loud
But when you hold me near
You drown out the crowd
Try as they may
They could never define
What's been said
Between your
Heart and mine

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)

The smile on your face
The truth in your eyes
The touch of your hand
Let's me know
That you need me

(You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all
You say it best
When you say
Nothing at all)